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Our aim at Merstham Primary School is to establish an active and supportive PTA whose main aim is to promote the best interests of the school and its children. 

By fund raising through a number of charitable events the Friends of Merstham Primary School, help provide equipment for the benefit of our children, which the school would be unable to provide through its own resources.

We organise events throughout the year which are detailed below. 

All parents and carers automatically become members of the the Friends of Merstham Primary School and we ask all new parents and carers to come along to the Annual General Meeting, held during the early part of the Autumn Term and to actively take part in the PTA functions.

If you can't commit to the Friends of Merstham Committee we are always grateful to receive any help you can offer at our events.

If you have any questions or need any further information please email us at 

What the money raised has been spent on

From money which has been raised over the last couple of years (2021 - 2023) it has been spent in some of the following areas: 

8 new picnic benches with a 25 year guarantee (so they will be around for a long time)

2 new rugs for Nursery & Reception Classrooms 

The Ducklings, and of course the webcam so we could always watch their progress

Caterpillars to grow into beautiful butterflies for the children to nurture 

Sports Equipment 

New School Writing Scheme 

Packet of seeds for each child to mark the King's Coronation 

Year 6 - SATs breakfast, drinks & snacks, leavers books, and their production